Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Flash Player 10 Beta 2 release

I think most ppl would already know this by now...

While I was able to inform all my colleagues about the Flash Player 10 release on May 15th, I am bit late on putting this one up, primarily, because I am a little lazy... hehe... but anyways, here goes...

On July 02, 2008, Adobe released the beta 2 of Flash player 10.

It looks like they have added:

  1. Loader.unloadAndStop method: to allow for unloading swf and other assets thru code. Resource management became a little painful with AS3/display list (see Grant Skinner's articles on this here and here and here). So this method here can take care of removal of related code with the removal of relevant movieclips. Simpler. :)
  2. Enhanced Sound APIs: There is the flash.media.Sound and the flash.media.SoundCodec (the one that allows you to choose between nellymoser and the new speex sound compression codec). Some more classes may be there, I am still not clear what additions are there... I need to look at the older flash 10 documentation that I have and figure this one out.
  3. Additional Linux support. ummm... I don't know much about this either.
  4. FullScreen keyboard Access: Make fullscreen games... :)
1. is the one that excites me the most in the beta 2 additions.
The release notes still say that components don't work well with 3d. I hope they do in the final release...

check the following out:

  1. Adobe Flash Player 10 on Adobe Labs
  2. Adobe Flash Player 10 Beta Release Notes
  3. Lee Brimelow's Blog
  4. Flash CS4 (codenamed "Diesel") news.

:) :) :)

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