Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Optimizing Actionscript 3 performance

Performance optimization has been a challenge I have been facing A LOT in my projects lately. The more I try to research it, the more confusing the answers get. There were a few ground rules that I had found on the actionscriptWiki ( but beyond that...nothing.

It turns out that Grant Skinner was talking about these same issues at the Flash On The Beach 2009 conference. He has the slides from his talk up on the website now, check these out here:
Mike Chambers also wrote a nice post, where he dissects the performance issue with a case study:

Both the articles make for really interesting reading... check them out!

For more of GSkinner talks go to:

Mkie Chamber's Blog:

now I should be off again... more code to write, after all I need to optimize my performance as well...hehe


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