Thursday, August 7, 2008

Interaction Design Patterns

I have been trying to start a Interaction Design/HCI blog for some time now, but time has not really been permitting... :)

So till the time I get time's permission, I'll post my interaction interests here...

This one is about Interaction Design Patterns.
Now, even though the world is divided on the pros and cons of Design Patterns, I like them a lot cause they help me communicate complex ideas simply, and that traslates to production lubrication in more ways than one.

Design patterns when we consider them in the context of IxD/HCI become "Interaction Design Patterns"
User Interface components, layouts, tasks, goals all can be classified into these, and at the end of it all, defining your strategy in terms of these patterns makes for a far more comprehensive approach, than actually drilling down to UI specifics from the start.

Here are a few resources.

More pattern goodness coming up!...


:) :) :)

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